"To create a carbon free India by accelerating the clean energy transition"
Greener & sustainable Development in the J&K (UT) by way of supplementing the energy generation through renewable sources and contribute to self reliance in energy demand.
Lead the energy transition by providing innovative solutions to our customers.
Build a culture of excellence by efficient and safe execution of all our projects.
Maintain the highest standards of quality and sustainability and act responsibility at all times.
Foster a culture of trust, collaboration and performance to achieve the targets.
Uphold the highest standards of governance, ethics and integrity in our day to day working.
Speeding up the transition to 100% renewable energy.
Increasing knowledge and discourse around the renewable energy and bio diversity, amongst the public in general and amongst decision makers.
This is the only way we can tackle climate change which is crucial in helping to eradicate poverty and create a better future generation; a world where energy is generated and consumed sustainably.